You Can’t be a NYT #1 Best Selling Author if Your Book Hasn’t Been Released

Recently I reviewed Zenith, a book written by a published author and and YouTuber (two different people), and this book comes out in Jan 2018. Therefore, if it hasn’t been published yet, it can’t be a best selling novel.


Honestly, the book wasn’t that great, I have read many that are better. And some that are worse. But, if your book hasn’t yet been judged by the readers, how can it be a best seller? I will not listen to marketing, and let them dictate to me what is a great book.

Because, and let me be harsh here, that is not one of them.

Zenith is not the next Game of Thrones, Bronte, or even Hunger Games. Twilight caught my attention more than that book.

When it comes to new books, particularly if you don’t buy them often, find a reviewer who appears to have similar taste to yours, or someone who can recommend who would like which books.

Honestly, don’t listen to the hype all of the time. Don’t blindly follow the crowd.

And don’t encourage lack luster work.

I would rather wait 5 years (Name of the Wind, I am looking at you) for a book that has been polished than a novel rushed under a time line.

But, maybe that is just me.