Dune Reading Challenge: The Second Update

Why look, this is the only information popping up on this site… well. Dune is a long book.

And as I make my way through it, I do find myself more interested in what is happening.

I worry that I may want to read the next two books in the series…

Any way, I am on page 449, and I would LIKE to finish it tonight.

I still think that the writing style is rather repetitive and that, in many ways, this was written as a commentary and it reads a bit like that. So far, so good though.

One thing I don’t like, is how slowly information is flowed to the reader. So there are giant worms. They are some how related to the spice. I STILL DON’T KNOW WHY THE SPICE IS SO VALUABLE! Water, I understand. Its a desert planet. Water should be the most precious resource.

Something else that bothers me is how the “bad guys” plans work. And just… there is so much background information missing.