First of all, just because something is USED in formaldehyde (and by used in, I mean is one of the reactants for the chemical process) does not mean that it is horrible for you.
Today an article popped up on my facebook, something that likely happens to anyone with a facebook now-a-days, with a click-bait title. “NAKED DRINKS MADE WITH FORMALDEHYDE”, or something along those lines. People had already liked it and thanked whoever shared it for the info. Me being me, I click on it and see a lot of lovely chemical names. Upon further searching I find that these chemicals are none other than.. duh duh DUH…vitamin C, vitamin B5 (and another chemical found in PLANTS AND ANIMAL TISSUE), and zinc oxide, which is also a vitamin supplement.
Now, I get it, chemistry is scary. It is intimidating. Take it from someone who majored in Chemical engineering and has a minor in Chemistry. Confusing, guessing, and aggravating don’t even begin to describe the emotions this topic has put me through. But, we have this amazing thing called the internet. And EVERYTHING HAS A SCARY SCIENCE NAME. Science likes to make itself into more than it is. If you look up the SDS (Safety Data Sheet, or MSDS as it was called up until last year, a sheet that has all the scary health and safety facts on any chemical) for potassium, it will tell you that it is poisonous. Literally, here is a part of what is on that sheet:
“Potential Acute Health Effects: Very hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation. Hazardous in case of skin contact (corrosive), of eye contact (corrosive). The amount of tissue damage depends on length of contact. Eye contact can result in corneal damage or blindness. Skin contact can produce inflammation and blistering. Inhalation of dust will produce irritation to gastro-intestinal or respiratory tract, characterized by burning, sneezing and coughing. Severe over-exposure can produce lung damage, choking, unconsciousness or death. Inflammation of the eye is characterized by redness, watering, and itching. Skin inflammation is characterized by itching, scaling, reddening, or, occasionally, blistering. Potential Chronic Health Effects: CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. TERATOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Not available. The substance may be toxic to blood, lungs, upper respiratory tract. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage. Repeated exposure of the eyes to a low level of dust can produce eye irritation. Repeated skin exposure can produce local skin destruction, or dermatitis. Repeated inhalation of dust can produce varying degree of respiratory irritation or lung damage.”
AND WE ALL NEED POTASSIUM TO LIVE. Take a moment, breathe, I know, scary, right? Science is okay. Science… mostly… just wants to help. Now, if you don’t know what a chemical is, by all means, DON’T INGEST IT. But, if it is in your food that you have been eating/drinking take a moment to google exactly what that chemical is and where it comes from.