Going Through the GoodReads List

I was spending a few minutes recently checking out some other book bloggers on WordPress (and I think I will be migrating this over to the .org at some point soon, but that won’t effect y’all), and came across an interesting idea.

Going through my Want To Read list on GoodReads and seeing how many I ACTUALLY want to read.

Except, here is the problem with that. I do have preferences for reading, but one of the big reasons I do reviews and accept submissions is because I am trying to find those that are more than they appear/don’t necessarily sell well. And to just warn everyone away from the bad books. Or what I consider to be a bad book.

What did I find? Well, and feel free to go click over to my GoodReads profile and explore for yourself, I found that I had a lot of books in the Want to Read that had already been rated and read. Which isn’t to say that I have reviews on everything I have read. Before I started to do this site, I never had any written reviews, just stars. Which meant that the first thing I did was go through my list (over 540 when I began), and move those.

That got me down to 519. Next was to go through and eliminate any repeats (had some of those) and the books that I new I didn’t want on this list, which I have included below. And a few trends of the books I didn’t remove.

Trend 1: There are a lot of werewolf/shifter books on this list. A… A lot, y’all.

Moon Chosen (Tales of a New World, #1)
Moon Chosen by PC Cast

Moon Chosen. I don’t know why this is still on here. I did a review about how much I was disappointed by this book.

The Finding (Law of the Lycans, #3)
The Finding by Nicky Charles

Ah, the finding by Nicky Charles, the third in her series. This is one that can scratch that werewolf fiction itch if you have it, otherwise it really isn’t that well written and you can usually find it for free or nearly so on Amazon.

The Last Werewolf (The Last Werewolf, #1)

I read this novel. I read a while ago. I don’t really remember it, so I don’t think I liked it, but I’m just going to mark it as read…..

And that is really it. Leaves me with 515 books, and I am okay with that. This is a good list (that I did completely forget about until reading another blog), and its a list that gives me a starting point. Even if I think the book is terrible, I still want to give it that 1 star review and say WHY I thought it was terrible, not just let it sit there for no reason.