Alright, Reading Slump

Those of you who subscribe to this site (THANK YOU EVER SO VERY MUCH) might have noticed a sudden drop in posts.

I am here to apologize.

The goal of Southern Today Gone Tomorrow is to

  1. Get writing every day. Every, single, day.
  2. Provide reviews of books so you can know if they are worth your time.
  3. Other random bits

And I have been failing as of late.

Reading slump has hit me, which is ironic since I have actually been reading a fantastic book (go check it out on Amazon here and I should have the review for that book up shortly), and a number of other books (hopefully today I will get a live list set-up of books that I owe reviews for.

And I don’t have an excuse, other than I have been busy since the weather finally got nice. Horseback riding, dancing lessons, laying in the sun, and I haven’t been staying on top of my game.

This is Southern Today Gone Tomorrow telling you that we will do better. There will be a post every week day. Even if it isn’t about books.

And yes, that link is an affiliate link to Amazon. I have to fund the purchase of more books somehow…