Sunshine: A Re-read Update

For those of you who haven’t heard of the AMAZING novel Sunshine by Robin McKinley, let me give you a quick low-down.

Actually terrifying vampires.

There is a lot more to this novel, characters with depth and a writing style that I feel is fairly unique to this author, but that is one of the best selling points of this novel.

This isn’t a vampire story, but vampires play a key role, and McKinley does a wonderful job of making sure that her vamps are sincerely terrifying. The things of nightmares. Alien. Just, such a good job.

And Rae is a wonderful character. One of the things that McKinley is really good about is clearly setting up who your main characters are, while still fleshing out the rest of the characters in very indirect ways. Her writing style is just a joy to read.

Now, it has been long enough since I read this that, when I gave it to a co-worker to reread, I honestly couldn’t remember any of the finer details.

Reader, you won’t be getting a play-by-play of this novel from me. But, I can tell you that I have met the vampire, and things have happened.


If anyone would be interested in doing a buddy-read on this, please do reach out.