Sky Without Stars: A Book Review

Written by Jessica Brody and Joanne Rendell, Sky Without Stars follows three young adults, Chatine (Theo) who is a thief trying to earn her way off of the planet, Marcellus the grandson of the general and son of a traitor, and Alouette a girl who has spent the last twelve years underground.

Let’s do this review a bit systematically. The writing was wonderful and did a great job of immersing you in the world, with the use of a few French terms that were consistent along the way, and the depth of the characters that were written.

Characters, Chatine was amazing. Honestly amazing. And, while this novel is based off of Les Mis, I don’t think this character bares as much resemblance to her counterpart as the other two characters do. I actually really, really liked her. And if her story ends the same way that it did in the original, I for one will not be happy.

Marcellus was a really great foil to, everyone really. He was kind, with a reputation he hadn’t earned, and he really cared. The protective streak that he has is wonderful to see in a character.

I don’t like Alouette. Just don’t. I’m not a big fan of her character. Not a big fan of the love triangle that forms between the three of them. Just, didn’t like it.

The concept as well is interesting – 12 worlds of humans, and in this one the written word has been lost. And the tier system. Just, it was really well done and very believable.

Who would like this? Fans of action, mystery, rebels, and even a touch of romance I think would enjoy this. Post-apocalyptic fans would also enjoy this, though it isn’t really post-apocalyptic. It is just more… time. Time changes things.

If you really, REALLY hate science fiction, then you probably won’t like this book. Those are really the only folks who I think wouldn’t like it based on the premise/story. Now, everyone is different, but the writing was good and the story interesting. There were times when the plot was a bit annoying, but it is a lot to take in.