Written by Abbey Jimenez, this novel follows Josh and Kristen. Yeah, that’s right, I put his name first. Do you know why? Because it is from both of their perspectives, and he is the first to start out the book. These two are the best man and maid of honor in their friends wedding, coming up in a few months. Josh recently moved from South Dakota to work with his best friend at the fire station, and so far is hating everything. Until he meets Kristen. Kristen is struggling with the fact that she can’t have children, and having her boyfriend a world away isn’t helping.
First things first, this novel is absolutely amazing. Humorous and gut-wrenching, this novel is a wonderful book. The writing is quick witted and you just like the characters.
This is a SAD novel, okay? It doesn’t get sad until about 5/6th of the way in, but it gets SO sad. Yeah, I used caps. This is also a novel not for children (there are a few scenes, okay?), and the title is a bit misleading. Based on the back, everyone knows where this story is going, we just don’t know how it is going to get there.
The Friend Zone is not about one person being attracted to the other and the other not seeing them as attractive right away. Josh and Kristen both find each other attractive from the get go, its just that she has a boyfriend. AND NO, THERE IS NO CHEATING IN THIS BOOK. Yeah, that’s right, they liked someone they weren’t seeing, and didn’t immediately sleep with them. The shock. The awe.
I don’t think I can say enough good things about this novel. The writing is wonderful, the characters make you fall in love with them (and want one for your own), and they deal with some issues that we don’t really talk about outside of close friendships.
Hands down, if you are mature enough to deal with adult themes, I highly recommend this novel.

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