Productivity… GAH

Do you ever just sit there, staring into space, and feel horribly over whelmed.

You want to do things, you really do, you just… don’t know where to start?

I have let my organization things just go lately. Sadly, some of my reviews have suffered because of it.

There was a point in time where this site successfully had a new post every day. EVERY DAY.

Between losing my journal, getting lazy with my databasis, and not keeping up with my note on everything that I am doing, things have just fallen behind. I forgot to get a review posted in time. That was an amazing book!

Yet, it fell off of Southern Today Gone Tomorrow’s radar.

My goals for the weekend are as follows:

  • Get notebooks and get the bullet journal (the lazy not pretty version) up and running
  • Get some quilt pieces cut (its due in 6 weeks)
  • Update all my excel files with the new books and go through the list of ones that I owe an update on
  • Find something new that is easier to update.
  • Put the list of books that have been read somewhere??
  • Get ahead of posts so y’all get some amazing content every day
  • Find some way to grow the base on this site…

For a while, we were slowly growing and getting more and more people who were following this and wanting e-mails with every update.

We need to get back to that.

This post is all over the place, but I am thinking I’ll spend some time updating y’all on how this venture is going.