Not Even Bones: A Book Review

Written by Rebecca Schaeffer, this is the story of Nita, a girl who was raised by people who hunt unnaturals and then she cuts them up into parts to sell on the black market. Until she becomes an item on the black market.

Da da duuuuuuun

But seriously, this gem was recommend to me by my local YA librarian, and it was a good read and I really am ready to have the next novel in my hands. (Which is already out, by the way.)

Before I get into anything else, this is not a novel for the faint of heart. She cuts parts off of dead bodies. And these bodies are very human in shape.

Now, she is a very interesting character. I don’t think she is quite a psychopath, but I am not a professional to diagnose such things. And Kovit is wonderful.

With that, they are very odd people. And not normal humans. Unhumans range from Vampires to Unicorns (humans that feed off of souls) to creatures that are able to so precisely control their body’s chemistry that they can heal almost anything.

The phrasing that this is like Dexter is really misleading… particularly since the mention the book/show in the novel. She isn’t like Dexter. She tries to justify what she does through that, and it… just doesn’t work. It is an interesting story without that, but going into this novel thinking it will be like Dexter is not the correct approach.

If you like dark stories, really dark, and bloody, I’d give this a try.

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