The Hound of Hell: A Book Review

The Hound of Hell, written by Roy D. Nelson, is a fast, action paced novel that involves tendrils of the Arthurian legend.

And, this is really only a book for those who like a lot of action. And gore. And people dying. And a lot of action. By that I mean that this is written in a very… aggressive manner? From the first page we are thrown into a world where a man somehow made it into prison with knives on him and lock picks in his hair, and then kills all of the guards who are coming to move him.

Which sounds neat, but the pages of gory description were just a little much for me.

If you want something that is truly action-packed, this would be a good choice. Just, not for me.

I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

All rights belong with the publisher.