Unspeakable Things: A Book Review

Written by Jess Lourey, Unspeakable Things follows Cassie as, in the 80’s, her small town in Minnesota deals with the boys disappearing and coming back… changed.

Before I go any further: there is child abuse and child murder in this novel. This is not a happy novel. And if you want to read this just to read about the murder, while that isn’t the only focus of this story.



This review will be hidden for spoilers, because I can’t review this without discussing the spoilers.

This is a really well written thriller/murder/mystery novel. Very well written. And it deals with very tough topics. Child abuse. Children having sex with … okay. I guess there is a line for spoilers I am willing to not cross.

The fact that the father WASN’T the guy doing all of this, and the fact that she was only saved BECAUSE DAD WAS LOOKING FOR HER? I just… creepy crawlies.

This is one of those books that you don’t really want to read, but if you don’t think bad people exist, read this book. All the characters are fictional, but it was inspired by something that did actually happen.

If you like a novel that looks at the dark parts of humanity, this is a great novel to read.

All rights belong with the publisher.