Written by Eoin Colfer, Highfire follows a dragon who just wants to live his life and be left alone, and a boy who has witnessed a murder, then had a dragon inform him that he would be eating him.
The writing was face paced and created the setting and tone of the novel, and the idea of a dragon, small enough to wear t-shirts, drinks beer and lives in the swamp is really a cool idea. Not to mention the kid – who skips school, tries to make his mom proud but often falls short, and hates the guy who is constantly trying to go on a date with her, is a really compelling character.
However, the pacing in this story just left me wanting more/not reading it very quickly. It is the kind of book that I can’t just sit down and read, but instead could only read about a chapter at a time.
If you enjoy crass humor, and you want something with a dragon who has survived being hunted and is a humorous. If you enjoy Christopher Moore, you may just like this book.
I did receive a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.