Written by Hannah F. Whitten, For the Wolf is the first novel in the Wilderwood series and follows Red as she goes down the path of her destiny, while her sister tries to save her.
Or, at least, thinks she is saving Red.
In the blurb for this novel, they open with
For fans of Uprooted and The Bear and the Nightingale…
which I think is the most accurate thing to say for who would like this novel. From the writing, to how the romance is handled, and the type of action that is in this book. And this book is getting added to the books that I absolutely adore, right beside Uprooted and The Bear and the Nightingale.
Red is from a country where the second daughter is sacrificed to The Wolf, and never seen from again, in order to keep the peace in the Wood and keep the nightmare creatures at bay. This is something that everyone knows Red will have to do and is one of only a handful of women who have had to make this sacrifice.
Red is a fantastic character, the Wolf is so well written, and I honestly hated her sister from fairly early on. This book really delves into the consequences of selfishness, and not respecting other’s decisions. Because her sister is so set on saving her, she takes drastic measures.
I’m wanting to keep this one spoiler-free, but, this is a great book and I HIGHLY recommend this novel. Particularly if you enjoyed either of those other two books.
If you are wanting a steamy romance, go somewhere else, otherwise, I think this is a great choice for most anyone who enjoys fantasy and adventure.