I must be honest, I didn’t like this book. I disliked this book so much, I forgot about it as soon as I put it down, to the extent that I forgot to do a review.
The writing of the book was fine, but the characters I found just… annoying and I didn’t like them and I don’t want to read anything else in this book.
The leading man was difficult and a jerk most of the time, even if eventually he was nice to the leading lady, and I remember being so annoyed after they were together how they were acting together, still. I understand it is based in college, and in that the characters did feel real, but I still found them very, very annoying.
I wanted Liu to find someone better for her than Desmond. Yes, he is the bad boy, but he is also just a jerk. In the end he stands up for her, but it takes SO LONG and he had feelings for her the whole time.
If you are looking for something to scratch the shapeshifter itch, this might do it, but I just found the characters unlikable.
I did get a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.