Killing Moon: A Book Review

Let’s start with the obvious – this is a werewolf novel.

Written by Rebecca York, Killing Moon follows Ross, a werewolf PI, Jack, a detective whom he has worked with for years, and Megan, a medical researcher. Plus, a Killer. This is a romance and suspense and deals with a lot of adult content. As far as romance goes, this really only has two, two, and a half scenes that could be easily skipped, and honestly the rest of the novel and the suspense is so fantastic I think I’m going to be recommending Killing Moon to a number of friends.

This book is beautifully written, the kind of writing that I love to take my time and savor. Megan and Ross were compelling characters (I’m a bit sad that the series seems like it possibly follows Jack instead), and the suspense was very well done.

If you enjoy suspense, if you enjoy romance, if you enjoy catching murderers, and if you enjoy non-cuddly werewolves, give this book a shot!