Felix Ever After by Kacen Callendar is a fantastic contemporary YA book that you should read right now. A few Content Warnings: Transphobia, homophobia, catfishing, and parental neglect.
Felix Love is a 17-year-old trans man who is dealing with the throws of high school, but also so much more. Felix is outed and deadnamed in his school through an anonymous person, which starts a chain of events that lead to so much growth and challenge for Felix at every turn. This book was a total page turner, but more than that, it hit a note for queer youth that I didn’t have when I was growing up. It addresses transphobia in the gay community. It addresses the intersection of the trans and black community. It addresses how hard it is to be a teenager sometimes. Kacen does this without minimizing the pain and suffering of Felix.
Felix Love is the most raw and honest character I’ve seen in a while. The writing is spectacular. You’re able to see New York City through the eyes of Felix and get a feel for his fears and experiences. New York isn’t the shiny rom com you might be used to, but is a city that accompanies fears, underage drinking, and fighting against the expectations us suburbanites might have. Overall, I wish I could go back in time and give this book to my 15 year old self and say “babe, it’s okay, people are like you and you don’t have to know everything, you are loved”. Felix Love is love.