A Coin for the Ferryman: An Audio Book Review

Written by Megan Edwards, this novel dares to answer “What would you ask Julius Ceasar if you could talk to him?” by bringing him to our time, right before he is murdered.

This is a long novel, but the narrator kept me engaged throughout the whole story. This is a long novel, for anyone who isn’t prepared, but it has a good pace and I think explores something that we have all been asked ‘what would you ask a person from history’?

And they do just that. Personally, I have no idea what kind of person Julius Ceasar was, but I think the author really captured what someone in his position could have been like. Someone who was always having to look to the future and make very big decisions and take others into consideration.

Overall, for a history nut, this was a really fun and interesting book. And I really like the premise of who/when/how/why they are able to do this form of time travel.

I 100% recommend this to anyone who is thinking of reading this book.