Written by Maria Vale, the latest novel in the Legend of All Wolves series follows Arthur, the new Omega, and the shifter Julia, niece of the terrible man who brought destruction to Homeland, could they find love in one another?
If I pretend that the characters from the last books aren’t in this book, I really like this novel. Other than how confusing the timeline and plot are. I enjoy that this is another novel from the point of view of one of the wolves who has only left Homeland once, and particularly of the actual Werewolf in the group – that is the one that has the capability of becoming a berserker and going on a killing rampage killing everything, including other werewolves. Arthur has worked so, so hard to control himself, and after killing the traitor takes his punishment and accepts having to take care of and teach the Shifter Julia.
Julia is thrust into a culture that she doesn’t know and forced to confront a side of herself that she has always been told to never touch, to not think about.
Another werewolf novel, but if you enjoyed the previous novels in this series, give this a shot. the beginning of this novel is very confusing and I honestly had no idea what the plot/how we got to Arthur being sliced open until at least halfway through the book.
I did receive a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

NOW TO SOME SPOILERS (only on the review on the blog)
I HATE THAT SILVER SEEMS TO HAVE ANOTHER MAN! And here is why: Tiberious is alive and well, not to mention the fact that they still love each other. That is really what makes me rate this at a 3-star on Goodreads. I just… no. They went through so much together. And at least a couple of times the writer talks about Silver’s mate being dead, but he isn’t. He is right there.
It just, bothers me so much. I really like Tiberius and think that he is a great character.
There, rant done.