The Old Man and the Princess: A Book Review in Process

Some time ago, though I didn’t know it, and author reached out to me to take the time to read his review.

Honestly, if it wasn’t for some friends of mine, I wouldn’t have made it past the first six pages. If I had a print copy of this book, it would have some red marks on those first few pages.

That being said, having made it through the first chapter, I will give the second chapter a go.

Let’s start with the synopsis:

Is the old man, really, who he says he is? And is he telling Sersha the truth about who she is, and where she is truly from?
A thrilling and witty, black, cozy, mystery, that will keep you guessing, right up until the action packed, breathtaking, finale.

An eccentric old Irish man, who claims to be ‘not of this Earth,’ kidnaps a young, headstrong, Irish teenage girl, from the streets of Galway and tries to convince her that her life’s destiny is tied to a mystical cave in the Scottish highlands.

But with half of the Irish criminal underworld violently on their trail, the young girl struggles back and forth with the old man’s real identity and far fetched intentions, to whether he truly is genuine in his wild and fantastical beliefs. Or is he really just a mad, demented, old fool, having some kind of mental breakdown in his twilight years?


So, let’s just go with first impressions. From this description, I am intrigued. But, from the first half of the first chapter… just… no. The second half of this chapter is what saved it. I would have thought it was written by a completely different author. I will try to keep moving through this. If I can’t finish this… I might just not finish it.

I will try!