Written by Chauncey Rogers, Home to Roost follows Brad, a.k.a Little Crown, a small rooster who has been forced out of the house and away from the love of the little girl who raised him into the roost of the farm, and things just go downhill from there. There is a raccoon on the prowl, and something far worse. Is it just hunting the chickens?
I greatly enjoyed this novel. The writing, as well as the topic, reminded me of Animal Farm and Lord of the Flies – though no animals become humans in this novel. But the writing style of this book starkly reminds me of their style. The plot jumps back and forth before the raccoon and after and builds up the characters. This is an author who knows how to write; he knows what he wants to get across, how, and exactly how to make the story have depths.
Here is what I am saying: this is a self published book that is written well. I rarely will type that sentence. Generally, self published books have giant plot holes, poor editing, etc. This is a book that I… think I would love in print.
Now, why I hesitated and who would enjoy this novel. This is a dark novel. This is a novel about evil and what it can do, should you allow it in. This kind of book isn’t for everyone. But, this could also be a book everyone SHOULD read. I can see this being a novel that is taught in a literature class. Examined. Reacted to. Walked through. “Do you see the foreshadowing?” “How does that affect Brad? Longtail?” And, for that reason, I rather want a copy. So that I can go through this book, honestly mark it up with my thoughts and what is happening to the character in that dark depth that Rogers does a beautiful job of walking his readers through. But at the same time, I don’t know if I would read this over and over again. If I had a paper copy, though, I think I could write so very many articles on it alone. (It is much easier for me to pull quotes and such from an actual copy of the book.)
This is literary fiction. Based on some true events that happen, the note from the author at the end truly lends that final hint of what if? I think, in a lot of ways, fans of Christian literature, the kind that examines effects on the soul and look deep into how a society is created and maintained, will enjoy this book. If you enjoy a dark mystery, this book is for you.
But, take note, this is a dark book. This is not a book to read to your five year-old, but it is a book that can spark a great conversation with your teenager.
I enjoyed this well written book, but it isn’t for everyone. I give it 5/5 stars, everyday.
Just because not everyone will enjoy this book, doesn’t mean that this isn’t a fantastic book. I think any fan of literature, mystery, or a different look at a society will enjoy this book and appreciate it.
Currently available on Amazon.