Dear Authors

First, let me say that I appreciate you. You bring me entertainment, joy, and have given me some great friends over the years.

But, for those new authors in particular, do you really think not listening to your critics is the most wise choice?

This is something I see repeated over and over again in many blogs and discussion. Don’t listen to your critics. I don’t think that is always the best advice. Some times those can be the reviews that are the most helpful for you to grow as a writer.

Now, should you pay attention to the critics who NEVER like your type of writing or genre? No. That isn’t helpful. But those people (ahem, reviewers) who are trying to give some constructive feedback? Yes.

If, in my review, I didn’t recommend a group of people who you were writing this for, or if I got an impression you didn’t want me to have, take note of that. It really will help you.

Ignoring the critics means ignoring those who aren’t constructive. If I didn’t finish your novel, take note of why I didn’t finish it.

And who, if anyone, I think would.

And if I give a book a poor rating because of the writing TAKE NOTE OF THAT.

Thank You,

Southern Today