This is very petty, I know. I KNOW. But, I just, I don’t feel like getting called out again.
Which is giving in to what they did. But, if I had the guts to go up to them, this is what I would say.
I am a member of an online bookclub. It has a lovely community. However, I haven’t liked a book they have chosen yet. Which isn’t to say they have picked bad books, we have had Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Something Wicked This Way Comes, and a few others. The last one is a decent bookclub book, however I really would have had it read months ago if I didn’t forget about it. Hitch Hiker’s Guide is fun, but it is the first of a five part trilogy and… really… not the best choice. Almost everyone on the site had already read it. Which is fine when you get farther along in a book club, but this one has only been around for a few months. You want to be reading things that the mods, who should be acting as the leaders of the bookclub, have read but no one else has so they can have a discussion. Or, at least, only a few people have read.
The current system, of suggesting a book and having everyone vote on it, is a lovely basic system. For a small group. Where everyone participates. And people can easily voice if they have read the idea or argue for or against it. And it doesn’t have over 40 people who are involved.
I want a way so that
- People are held accountable who vote for a book
- We get a chance to read a book we haven’t read before
- There is some amount of control culling for books that just aren’t appropriate for a month’s time to get the book read.
I don’t think that is too much to ask for. At all. What do you think?
isa wthis title and lowkey panicked it was about me haha.
i think your ponts are definitely valid 🙂