The Society of S: A Book Review

Written by Susan Hubbard, this is a very old novel, with a slightly different take on Vampires. This novel follows Ari, a girl whose mother dissappeared on the night of her birth and was raised by her father, a very traditional man who wanted to raise her as educationally as possibly, but didn’t show his emotions.

The first part of this novel is all about Ari learning who she, and her father, are, and what happened to her mother. It is also about Ari coming to have friends and learning how to be a normal child.

This novel also has murder, and mystery, and a lot of things that only make sense by approaching this novel and just reading it. The writing is beautiful, and honestly I read this novel a long time ago. And it always bothered me that the story didn’t continue.

Well, it turns out I was wrong, and it did. Two more novels in the series, which I will be reading.

It is nice that, while I didn’t remember the details, I still enjoyed this book. Honestly, I wish it was better known.

Highly recommend it to any fan of mystery or vampires. A well written novel, and we will see how the rest of the series goes!