A Skeleton in the Family: A Book Review

Written by Leigh Perry, this novel follows Georgia, her daughter Madison, and the family Skeleton, Sid. And, yes, Sid is a walking, talking skeleton. Georgia and Madison have recently moved into her parent’s home while they are away at sabbatical and Georgia has obtained an adjunct job at her alma mater, and her daughter doesn’t know about Sid, who lives in the attic and is her mother’s best friend. When Sid sees someone that jogs something about his life before death and a body is found, Sid and Georgia begin a search to learn who Sid was. Oh, and Madison is obsessed with anime.

Alright, that was a bit of a summary. The reason I went on a hunt to find this book at my local library (honestly, it is easy to just buy this book right here) was because of an e-mail that was received to possibly review the… 5th in the book series. I had no idea what it was about, read the first chapter or two, loved it and learned it was the 5th. And then began a search to find the first novel and STOP reading/beginning a series in the middle.

I really enjoyed this novel. It was a quick read, a bit more in depth that the usual cozy mystery, and overall was just fun. A sarcastic skeleton who curses using the technical names of bones just is wonderful. When reading this, I imagined a cartoon version of this running in my head. Think prime Alvin and the Chipmunks and Scooby-Doo.

There was some romance in this novel that … was very odd. Mostly in the way that Georgia approached all of her interactions with him and was constantly rating him, but that could be because she has always been a single mother and looks at things differently.

Quick moving and quick witted with a decent mystery thrown in, this was a really fun read.