Armada: An Audio Book Review

Written by Ernest Cline, Armada is the second novel written by the Ready Player One author. Armada follows Zack Lightman who learns that the video game he spends all of his free time on is actually a training regiment to prepare the world for an attack from aliens.

This novel was definitely in the same science fiction vein as Ready Player One, video games anyone, and having it narrated by Wil Wheaton was the best move that could have been done. He was fantastic and brought life to the story.

Even with that wonderful narration, this novel dragged for me. Ready Player One kept moving, even when describing the video game aspects of what was going on. This novel drowned in those details. The story was interesting, and the characters compelling if a bit juvenile, but the details. They were so much. If you aren’t a fan of video games, this could be a tough one for you to get through.

The relationships the Zack develops throughout the book with the characters are really the compelling, propelling force behind this novel.

If you enjoy lots of science fiction, video games, and webs of lies, this would be a good book for you. There is even a little bit of romance, and the novel does a pretty good job of looking at high stress situations and how different people deal with that.