The Last House Guest: A Book Review

Written by Megan Miranda (All the Missing Girls and The Perfect Stranger), The Last House Guest (affiliate link) follows Avery Grier after her best friend Sadie has died – what appears to be a suicide. But, for those of us familiar with Megan Miranda, we know it isn’t that simple.

This novel was okay. Honestly, I don’t think it was as great as the other two novels by her that have been reviewed here. This one was slower, and there just didn’t seem to be the same level of things at stake. It is a good little mystery, just very slow.

The characters are what kept me going, not what was really happening to them.

Honestly, that’s all I’ve really got to say on the matter. The mystery was decent, but rather hinted at often enough. It was slow and still had a good number of twists and turns, including who the killer was and how Avery’s life ends up turning out.