Touch of Frost: A Book Review

Written by Jennifer Estep, Touch of Frost (affiliate link) follows Gypsy Gwen Frost as she navigates this mythical school she has been dropped into. It’s a bit hard, despite that she sees things, to believe that she is going to school with people from myth. Plus, a girl was just murdered, no one cares, and there is a hot annoying guy involved.

The main characters, because really there aren’t any side characters that don’t play into the story somehow, are well developed and interesting, even if this is a series that is definitely aimed at the Young Adult crowd and written in a way that teenagers think.

Gwen is the standard love-able loner, which is a very good thing. With a sad past and an understandable avoidance of touching others, I liked her character. Logan was just… the standard bad boy. As soon as you meet him, you know one day, somehow, they will get together.

If you like urban fantasy, or if you just like a bit of an adventure with one main character, this is a good series to check out.