Talk to the Paw: A Book Review

Written by Melinda Metz, Talk To the Paw (affiliate link) follows Mac, the cat, as he tries to find a human pack mate for his human Jamie. Turns out, her perfect pack mate, in Mac’s eyes, is down the road in the form of baker and dog owner David. Jamie and David just keep not understanding what the random gifts in front of their houses mean!

This was an adorable book, that honestly I had to read after I saw the cover (look at those eyes, just look at them!) and was, as I expected, a super sweet and short read.

The characters are enjoyable and are going through their own struggles while having to deal with everyone in their lives trying to set them up with anyone because being with someone is better than being alone.

Now this book went exactly the way you expected it to go, which is what I was looking for. A sweet story that was short and happy. The only real negative for this book was that, at one point at the end, it felt like someone read a draft of this and said “this needs more drama/another thing or else it won’t be long enough!” and they added in something that, while very real, really was more annoying in the plot that good. I wanted to see the happy ending and how they worked out that happiness, not just that a big thing happened and then a year later they were happy.

But, overall, this was a really sweet little romance and adorable and I honestly highly recommend.