The Hazel Wood: A Book Review

Written by Melissa Albert, The Hazel Wood (affiliate link) is a novel about Alice, a girl whom bad luck seems to follow, as she and her friend Finch try to find her mother Ella and the mystical world she seems to have lived in.

This is written in the way that most fae novels are written, which is to say very story-like and indirectly, with meanings between everything. And it was really well done and very interesting.

This isn’t a romance, so get that out of your head now. Hazel Wood is a dark, dark place where death is a common place and the stories must be told. And none of these stories have a happy ending in them.

When it comes to characters, they really are all very indirect. You never get a sense, except maybe for Alice, exactly who they are. Once again, this is told in story mode, or fairy tale mode. So the characters generally get described in very indirect ways.

There is a lot of darkness in this tale, and a whole lot of adventure and mystery. If you enjoy those elements in a book, this would be a good choice for you.

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