The second novel in Martha Well’s Murderbot Diaries, Artificial Condition picks up shortly after All System’s Red, with Murderbot leaving behind the people he saved and searching for the place where he dubbed himself Murderbot.
In this installment, we get to meet ART, who helps to create Murderbot into a “security specialist” and gets him hired to make actual money while trying to figure out what exactly Murderbot did to earn its self dubbed title.
This series is highly enjoyable and fast paced. And does a great job to highlight something that I think we all forget – a book doesn’t have to be long to be fantastic and get through a complex plot. This novel uses the reader’s mind to create this world and then move through it like a movie.
The only think I still can’t help but wonder – is murderbot’s clone basis a male or female?? It isn’t that its the biggest deal in the world, but I can’t help but wonder. It always is and “it”, and proclaims that it has no desire to change that, but the person in my head would change a bit if it was female – only so far as looks.
Highly recommend, and keep going! There are more books in the series!
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