The Wolf of Taliskia

Written by Alex Evans, this novel follows Victoria, an inventor of the steampunk variety, as she hunts for the cause of her father’s death during her wedding to a prince. That is the rough summary, at least.

From the title, and the fact that there seems to be some myth surrounding a giant wolf in her fiance’s home, I was hoping there was a werewolf in this story, and actually the mythic involved in this novel was the best part, in my opinion.

The writing was fair, however, I found the characters to be very two-dimensional, and I honestly got a bit annoyed at how they spoke more often than not. You would think a prince would have better English skills. The plot was the only thing keeping me going, that and the temptation of a monster – which there did end up being more than a few.

This book also ends rather abruptly, and I’m not sure if there is a sequel in store or not.

If you are looking for a story in which steampunk meets fantasy, then this could be a book to try. It has action, it has really awkward romance, and it has a few twists that I didn’t see coming (such as who is and isn’t the bad guy).

I just wanted more from this story. More from the characters, and a bit of a better pay-off for the plot.

I did receive a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.