Rose Petal Graves: An Audiobook Review

Written by Olivia Wildenstein, this novel follows Catori as she returns home from medical school (at 19?) after her mother’s sudden death for her funeral, and to find out if something else caused her death other than the natural causes everyone is stating.

The writing in this isn’t great however, it could be that it is better and the lack of difference between characters and the difficulty I had keeping them straight because of this added to that.

This novel is really about the fae and a group of Native Americans who used to hunt them, and may be back agian. That is, that a hunter is back agian.

*SPOILERS AHEAD* And really confused writing. That is consistent with the writing in the story, and the plot.

A lot of very…. odd things happen throughout the book. The characters just let things happen, and the only thing that can really justify that is Fae magic, Mr. Cruise’s I’m assuming. But, still, there are just things that… happen so that the plot points can happen.

We also have Blake, the former… boyfriend? Or something? Also, my ability to spell any of these names are nonexistent. I don’t know where the romance is going to go, but… not enough to keep reading the books.

This just doesn’t make any sense. Then we throw in another murder, that maybe Cruise did.

There is a lot that happens, that is missing how those things happened. Other than that they do.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.