Written by Paige Crutcher, The Orphan Witch follows a woman follows Persephone and her newly found extended family who have…
Written by Margie Fuston, this debut book follows Victoria as she hunts for a Vampire with best friend Henry in…
Written by Beth O’Leary, The Switch was exactly what I was looking for. The writing was wonderful, the narrator was…
The sequel to Still House Lake, Killman Creek picks up shortly after where the last novel ended. Gwen and Sam…
Written by Diana Biller, The Widow of Rose House follows Mrs. Alva Webster and Sam Moore as they work together…
Written by Joanna Cannon, Three Things About Elsie (oh look, where you can pick up a copy of the book)…
Written by Chris Bonnello, Underdogs follows The Underdogs, a group that started out as 30 folk fighting to take back…
Written by Anne Fortier, The Lost Sisterhood (oh look, where you can pick up the book) follows Diana, an Oxford…
Another book in the Family Skeleton Mysteries by Leigh Perry, The Skeleton Haunts a House (why yes, another affiliate link)…
Written by Greg Iles, Cemetery Road follows Marshall, a man who has lost everything and returned home to try and…