Written by Brett Riley, this novel follows four friends, tormented by bullies, who find themselves facing monsters and suddenly endowed…
Written by Margie Fuston, this debut book follows Victoria as she hunts for a Vampire with best friend Henry in…
A multi-state manhunt is underway for a cop killer on the loose. And Dr. Tessa Thorpe, a veteran’s counselor, is caught up in the chase.
Written by Chris Bonnello, Underdogs follows The Underdogs, a group that started out as 30 folk fighting to take back…
Isabel was just going to pick up her mother after her two week adventure to Scotland to then buckle down…
Written by Mhairi McFarlane, Don’t You Forget About Me is a novel set in a small English town and follows…
Written by Anne Fortier, The Lost Sisterhood (oh look, where you can pick up the book) follows Diana, an Oxford…
Written by Paula Brackson, author of The Winter Witch, this novel follows Xanthe as she and her mother move to…
Written by Caroline Kepnes, Hidden Bodies picks up where You left off. Joe is now single, and has found a…
Written by Caroline Kepnes, this novel follows Joe, a bookstore manager who meets a girl whom he thinks is perfect,…