Physical Books vs E-books

Most of the ARC books reviewed on STGT are given in e-book format. All digital and back lit. But a number of the NON ARC books are physical. As the current library borrow is being worked through, a great point of discussion has come up.

Does a physical book, a print novel, give the book more credence to being a good book. Does it give the impression that the writing is better than its digital brethren. This isn’t about the classics, or the really high level written, or the novel written that are just fantastically good.

This is about the mediocre books. The one’s that you aren’t sure if they are worth the money. The current book might fall into that category. It has a werewolf in it, so it will get read, but this novel doesn’t really seem to be of that high caliber righting that we all strive to read, yet, again, it seems better than a number of the ARCs that have been received as of late.

But, I have read some in-print self published books, and there are still very bad.

Does the digital book just make the novel seem less because of the type? The back lighting? What is it that gives this impression?